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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

2 Courses

1 Subject

2-2 Final Project Milestone One Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal

2-2 Final Project Milestone One Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal

Q Instructions For this first milestone, you will select an issue or topic in diversity to analyze through the four general education lenses. You will also analyze the issue or topic’s relationship to culture and society. Once you submit this Milestone One assignment, be sure to wait until your instructor has graded it and has approved your issue or topic before starting on the remaining Milestones for the project. To complete this assignment, review the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document.

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One of the most important issues that I would like to select for this assignment would be “women empowerment.” It is one such issue that can be explained, described, and also related to the four general education lenses. Women empowerment is one such issue that finds a very important place in the social science lens because it provides a basic understanding of the role of women in society and how women empowerment plays a very important role in the growth and development of the society. Looking at the issue of women empowerment through the historical lens helps in understanding the situation of women in the society when women were not empowered and had to face various types of challenges and difficulties (Monkman, K. 2011).